

It’s my belief that most people who dislike, are afraid of, or find mathematics hard is because they’ve been taught wrong. The opposite is not necessarily true. Some people are really good at maths even though they didn’t have a good teacher when it mattered the most. But it’s certainly true that anybody can find pleasure in learning mathematics when taught well.

4-page tutorial on Derivatives and Integrals

The fundamental operations in calculus explained here in only 4 pages. The main objective of this document was to be short and clear, not a thorough explanation. Download PDF: [IntroToCalculus]

  • Sam Reaves


    It seems like major portions of the document have missing formulas etc.


    • Sam Reaves

      I had a corrupted version of Acrobat. I re-installed and all is well. Thanks

  • jpcaram

    It looks fine in Acrobat. What are you using to read it?